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Different Innovative exterior design ideas

Most people spend a lot on interior design and decoration. However, it is important to give proper attention and priority to the exterior design also.  The exterior design also plays an important role in the beauty and look of your home. It is worth mentioning that interior design and decoration are only accessed mostly by people who are visiting your home. like family members, relatives, friends, or any other guests. While the exterior of your home is viewed by the public. Whether they are visiting your home or not. Therefore, it is important to give proper attention to the exterior look of your home. In this article, we will share different exterior design ideas with you. Stay with us.

Proper Planning 

To get a beautiful exterior design view it is important to build your home with proper planning. Without proper planning, you will not be able to give your home exterior a beautiful and amazing look. Planning for any construction project consists of three stages. I.e. Selection of location, exterior, and distribution of spaces. We will also include a separate article for planning your home exterior. It is important to focus on the three factors mentioned. As exterior will give you the front shape of your home.

Home design

Another exterior design idea is to focus on the home design. Different types of home designs are common in different places. If we take one design as an example, it is a castle-type design. The base of these designs goes back to the princess and ruler age. Where they were living in castles. The color schemes of these types of exteriors are normally white and grey. If you are building your home in a posh area, the castle home design is the best exterior design to go for.

Elevated homes

Elevated homes give tremendous look. Homes surrounded by large and tall trees, and big windows give the best look from the distance. One of the best exterior design ideas is to install a proper lighting scheme. When the lighting system is in the home keeps glowing and is visible from everywhere.

Adding Greenery to the exterior

Another common exterior design idea is to add greenery to the surrounding of the home. Besides looking beautiful and fresh it has a lot of healthy effects on human health.  You can make your own garden by planting a variety of plants. Adding different fruit plants etc. Although it involves a lot of hard work and price. But doing this is really worth it.

Porches and car garage

Home exterior design ideas also consist of creating beautiful porches as well as a garage for a vehicle. If you have a vehicle, it is mandatory to have a garage. Make sure you paint the rooftop of the garage and gate with bold, warm and charming colors. Also, follow the same color scheme for designing porches. Adding different pots plants, or hanging pots will give charming effects. Also, it will increase greenery and freshness to the surrounding.

Swimming pools

A swimming pool is one of the important parts of any home. Creating an outdoor swimming pool is a common exterior design idea. While constructing a swimming pool, take proper care of the position. The best place for an exterior swimming pool is either backyard or front yard of the house. Also makes sure you follow all the safety protocols for the swimming pool. As there is the risk of kids, pets, and other living things. The best exterior design idea for a swimming pool is to install globe lights around the pool. It will have two functions. First, it will offer lighting during the night and also it will decorate the exterior and will glow all the time.

Usage of Glasses

Using glasses in windows, the front and back yard of the home gives a beautiful outlook. A beautiful exterior design idea for a house is incomplete without a beautiful glasses installation. You can use different types of glasses in windows such as one side, reflective, sliding, etc. Also, it is worth mentioning to protect windows from different weather conditions. Such as storm, sun, rain, etc., therefore, use umbrella-type shades for windows as well as the doors. It will offer protection during different weather conditions.

Decorating your exterior

Besides the above exterior design ideas, you can decorate your exterior with different decorative materials. Like using different types of grills, Installing different types of lighting sources such as lanterns, bulbs, flashlights, etc. You can place different types of plants pots or hang them on the balcony to give your home exterior a beautiful look.

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