Painting And Photography

Wall Art ideas We Just Can’t Stop Thinking About

Having bought a new house or remodeled a present one calls for a myriad of changes in terms of the overall décor and the overall feel of the place. There are a few things that need to go and some that must be added wall art painting ideas to complete the modern and stylish look that you have always been dreaming of for your house. 

Art completes your house 

No house is complete without art that is either present in hard physical form in the living room or scattered around or hanging from the wall in terms of paintings and such. It can be daunting for some homeowners to be able to hang pictures in their new homes over concerns damaging their walls or some other reservations but your home would simply go about having a missing piece always if you don’t proceed with it.    

If going with the physical art artifacts seems a little costly then know that you can always back down and settle for the wall art. That doesn’t mean that you don’t need to put any focus or energy into it. With the following great decorating ideas and tips on your side you would definitely be able to make a statement;

Make the fireplace the focal point of your living room

When it comes to the living room your fireplace is unanimously the focal point of the whole room, it just feels and sits right that you hang a big enough wall décor or piece of art over it. This will help you to tell your own unique design story. You can also opt for more than one painting or wall art décor but make sure that both of these are of the same size to avoid dominancy of any kind and make the whole thing look subtle and belonging to the place where it is right now. 

OR if you want you can go for many small pieces that complement many things and belongings of your living room and a large piece that is complementing your fireplace being the focal point of the whole living room. 


Take a breath and arrange stuff

You need to tap onto those brakes of yours where you think about stuff before doing something about it. Remember wall art painting ideas the best thing that you can do in this regard is to be able to arrange stuff beforehand, plan for how things are going to go down so that when you actually come to it there are no surprises of any kind. 

Working out some magic with Kraft paper

You can start by arranging the pictures of wall art items that you want to hang, arranging them into a definite pattern that you think is going to look great over the wall. You can have your pictures arranged over a large enough piece of Kraft paper, create an outline for each picture and then tape the paper onto the wall. Place the pictures right over their outline and then hammer these down, simply rip off the excess paper, and voila you are done.

Use different frame styles

Remember at the end of the day you are trying to develop an ambiance, a kind of wholeness to bring the whole place together, and to be able to achieve it you have to think outside the box a bit. Painting and photography have always been used as an element of choice when it comes to wall décor but the frames that you use for these to shine in can be different and a bit unique. 

You can go with different types of frames that are available out there in the market. These come in a variety of sizes, finishes, and materials from which these are built, try to use as much and different frames for the sake of incorporating a new life into your home aesthetically. 

Endorse lighting into the whole crusade

No matter how elegant your positioning has been with the placement of the pictures and developing a sense of togetherness because if it is not for the proper lighting then the whole thing would turn out to be a lost cause. You need good wall art to highlight your home and you need great lighting to highlight the actual piece that is highlighting your home, get the relevance yet? 


You can consider throwing in some overhead lighting solutions for the wall art painting ideas or décor that you have hung or a few scones would do the trick. Also while you are at it make sure that there are no bold and bulky fixtures obstructing the line of sight to the wall art.  

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RELATED TOPICS: home decoration ideas

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